Instructor Name

Augustine Tirivangana


Logistics and Transportation


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Course Requirements


  • Grade 7 plus O-Level English Language and Mathematics.
  • In the absence of O-Level English Language and Mathematics, the student is encouraged to register for NFC Business English and Business Calculations, respectively.
  • Basic knowledge of transportation and logistics concepts (recommended but not required)
  • Ability to work with data and analytical tools

Course Description

The HEXCO NFC Transportation and Logistics course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to manage transportation and logistics systems. The course covers a range of topics, including transportation modes and infrastructure, logistics and supply chain management, transportation planning and policy, freight management and operations, passenger transportation systems, transportation safety, and security, logistics and transportation technology, international trade and transportation, and transportation and logistics best practices. Students will gain hands-on experience with industry-relevant tools and technologies.

Course Curriculum


Augustine Tirivangana

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0 Students
8 Courses

Dr. Augustine Tirivangana serves as Principal of Sampet Vocapreneurial College, combining strategic leadership with academic expertise in English Literature and Project Management. He teaches project planning, risk management, and literary analysis, empowering students to excel in their chosen fields. Dr. Tirivangana leads Sampet Vocapreneurial College with vision and expertise. As a dual specialist in English Literature and Project Management, he tutors students in project execution, monitoring, and literary critique, bridging theory and practice.

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HEXCO NFC in Transportation and Logistics


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